Thursday, May 19, 2011

Great Benefits of Bananas

Banana is a fruit that is full of nutrition, contains almost no fat and easily digestible. Carbohydrates in banana about 23-35%, fat 0.2% and like other vegetable substances, cholesterol-free bananas. A total of 100 grams of bananas will give you calories by 120 calories. The fruit is also rich in potassium and contains magnesium, selenium, iron and vitamins and sodium free. Bananas are rich in vitamin B-6 is needed for one's mental health. Lack of vitamin B-6 can cause a person to be tired and angry and disturbed sleep. Eating a half a banana every day will provide for the body to vitamin B-6. Eating foods rich in potassium and vitamin B6, especially fresh banana (not boiled or fried plantain bananas) also can reduce pain, soreness and pain in the joints.

Banana is known as one super food for athletes and health experts. The content of the three natural sugars, sucrose, fructose and glucose as well as fiber gives energy to burn energy for 90 minutes nonstop. If you feel lethargic in between meals, just take a banana. Fruit sugar contained in it (which is classified as simple carbohydrates), will be easily digested and enter the blood stream resulting in instant energy. In addition, with the supply of potassium from bananas, muscle tissue will re-powered for some time before the body obtain energy supplies from major food emergency. This tropical fruits help overcome and prevent some kinds of diseases and health problems. So, we need to increase the daily diet

Here are a few benefits of bananas for our health:

1. High Blood Pressure
Tropical Fruit contains a high potassium but low in salt, so it's perfect to prevent and reduce high blood pressure. U.S. Food and Drug Agency (FDA) allows manufacturers to claim the banana fruit lowered blood pressure and stroke risk.
2. Heart Disease
Bananas have the effect of antacid, so that if feels like heart burn, eating bananas will ease the pain. Eating bananas regularly can reduce stroke risk by 40 percent.

3. Anemia
Bananas are high in iron, which stimulates production of hemoglobin in the blood and help fight anemia.

4. Increasing concentrationsLearning ability of students who ate bananas at breakfast and lunch are encouraged because of the high calcium content in bananas. Calcium works to help improve konsetrasi and alertness.
5. Constipation
High in fiber, which helps normalize digestion and helps overcome constipation without drugs, laxatives.
6. Depression
Depression sufferers feel better after eating a banana. Because, bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that is converted into serotonin in the body to give a sense of relaxation, improve mood and make happy.
7. Drug Intoxicated
The easiest way to treat pain and nausea from a hangover is with a banana milkshake mixed with honey. Banana and honey soothe stomach to increase return of blood sugar.
8. Morning Sickness (nausea in pregnant women)
Snacking on bananas between meals helps maintain healthy levels of sugar and prevent morning sickness in pregnant women.
9. Mosquito Bite
Before using the anti-insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected mosquito bites with the inside of a banana skin banana. This will reduce swelling and irritation.
10. Nerve
Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system and reduce stress with potasiumnya content.
11. PMS (menstrual pain)
Vitamin B6 in bananas to control blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood before menstruation.
12. Smoke
Bananas can also help people trying to quit smoking. Levels of vitamin C, A, B6, and B12 they contain, along with potassium and magnesium, helps the body recover from the toxic effects of nicotine.
13. Body Temperature Control
Bananas serves as food 'cooling' that improve physical and emotional condition of the mother. Bananas can reduce the temperature in the womb and helps the baby is born with the body temperature is not high.
14. Ulcer and Intestinal Injury
Banana prevent ulcers and sores caused by intestinal disorders because of the soft tekturnya. Bananas are the only foods that help to overcome the over-chronic ulcer and neutralize the irritation of the stomach.
15. Warts Medication
Banana is a natural remedy to remove warts. Place the banana skin on the inside of the warts and duct tape.