Monday, May 16, 2011

Various of Vitamins And Minerals

In the body, beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A. Inadequate storage of this vitamin in the body causes the cells become stiff, dry and weakened protection system. As a result, the bacteria can penetrate into and there was an infection. That is why vitamin A is known as anti-infective agents.
The so-called top antioxidants, namely vitamin C, needed to form collagen, which binds tightly to tissue between the muscle and bone. Like glue, collagen encapsulates the whole body. Vitamin C is also useful to form blood vessels, keeping the organs and skin in place. Moreover, vitamin C helps other antioxidants work better without vitamin C, the body can not process vitamins and minerals such as folic acid and iron.
  Together with vitamin A, beta-carotene, and vitamin C, vitamin E protects the body from free radicals. Vitamin E acts directly on the membrane or cell membranes from free radical threat so that the body's cells are not damaged.

 Magnesium is needed per cell to produce energy. This element is treated to form more than 300 different enzymes. These enzymes will send a message along the nerve to make muscles become relaxed, maintain strong bones and teeth, helps heart, keeping blood pressure became normal.
More than 200 different enzymes in the body depending on the Zinc. One example, we need Zinc to form the alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme that will describe the alcohol. When Zinc deficiency, the body can not process the alcohol and will drink only a little drunk though.
Zinc also we need to form hormones, especially those that control growth hormone and testosterone. There is a hormone that serves as the declarant when the body is attacking bacteria. This hormone is sufficient if the zinc in the body. Men need zinc for testosterone to function in the form of skin, hair, eyes, nails, and prostate.
The element also includes a super antioxidant flavonoids that help block the virus, reduce bruising and swelling, pain, and allergic reactions. Therefore, it is great for people with asthma.
Our bodies are forming their own antioxidant called glutathione peroxidase. Without selenium, this enzyme could not be established. While Manganese or Manganese, needed to assist the formation of connective tissue, bring glucose into other systems, and outlines the protein. For strong bones, you need to Mangan. For women who are menstruating, Manganese useful help to expedite the period.
Chromium (pikolinat) is very important for diabetes because it helps control blood sugar levels. For bodybuilders, Chromium is needed to build muscle faster. For others, Chromium beneficial for lowering cholesterol and produce anti-aging hormone DHEA, or dehydroepiandrosterone).
There are many more other types of antioxidants. All associated with the process in our body. So, do not forget to take vitamins and minerals every day.