Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rich Avocado Benefits

Fruit Avocado or Avocado Persea americana with Latin names. Avocado fruits have tender skin uneven dark green to brownish purple, depending on varieties. Avocado flesh light green near the skin and light yellow near the seed, with a soft texture.
Avocado fruit including fruit special because fat content 20-30 times more than other fruits. This fat content can provide a high enough energy when consumed. This type of fat contained in avocados include unsaturated fats, making it easily digestible and useful to the body. Fat content is high enough to provide energy with a savory flavor and delicious and not bitter.
The content of nutrients in one avocado is as follows:
1. 95 mg phosphorus
2. 23 mg calcium
3. 1.4 mg iron
4. 9mg sodium
5. 1.3 mg of potassium
6. 8.6 mg niacin
7. 660 I.U. Vitamin A
8. 82 mg of Vitamin C

Avocados contain lots of minerals that are all useful to regulate body functions and stimulate growth. Iron and copper contained in them to help the regeneration of red blood cells and prevent anemia.

Not only delicious juice made​​, it turns out avocados contain usefulness to the body. So, bottom line benefits of avocado for health are:
1. Source of Vitamin E and B
2. Lowering blood cholesterol
3. Moisturize skin
4. Helps regeneration of red blood
5. Prevents anemia
6. Prevents constipation
7. Prevent malnutrition
8. Sources of unsaturated fat content

For beauty, avocado considered able to moisturize the skin, how to wash your hands with warm water and then crushed avocado to taste and then smeared over the face except the eyes. When finished let stand a few minutes and rinse with water.

In addition, the skin is also useful to smooth en the skin that tends to easily get rough elbows and knees for example. For that, try to rub the rough parts with slices of avocado in the skin.